About Faith Tours

More details about our Faith Tours

We welcome a broad range of denominations
to Europe and Russia.

We recognize the particular requirements of faith based touring and need to balance the spiritual fulfillment with cultural enrichment. Dietary and lifestyle choices are respected in the planning of each itinerary. We are also mindful of such choices when selecting tour management personnel. From Fatima to Lourdes and Canterbury to Rome we have guides who specialize
in the history and culture of most religions and denominations.

Itineraries within our Faith Tours are
Samples Only. Your group determines how long the tour takes and where you go.

Check here to view the complete sample itineraries. Please contact us for pricing information. We cannot list every faith here. See below for a summary of other faiths and specialist faith based subjects we offer including Jewish Heritage, LDS and Inspiration Through Music.

A sample of 12 different group tours ready to present to your customers.

To give you a flavour of other faith based tours that we have organised please see the selection of ideas below. More details are available on request as are requests from other faiths and related specialist subjects. Contact our office if there is a faith here you would like to see.
The Origins of Calvinism
A 9 day journey from Paris to Zurich including his birthplace museum in Noyon, The Reformation Wall in Geneva and sights associated with Zwingli.

The Origins of The Baptist Church
A 12 day journey throughout Britain with links to Charles Spurgeon and John Bunyan.

Protestant Ireland
10 day tour of the island of Ireland from a Protestant perspective, often extended to include Scotland.

The Mayflower and The Pilgrim Fathers
10 day tour linking Plymouth and Lincolnshire with a side trip to see perhaps the inspiration for the Stars and Stripes.

Faith Through Music
Many of the world's greatest hymns were inspired and written in Britain. A 10 day tour following the writing of Rock of Ages, Amazing Grace, Bread of Heaven and others.

Catholic England
8 day tour visiting the main Marian Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk and sites associated with Cardinal Newman - including London, Oxford and Birmingham Oratories.
Catholic Shrines of Spain
and Portugal plus Lourdes
A 13 day tour visiting Madrid, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela and Lourdes. Special tours available that coincide with feast days.

Catholic Shrines of Italy
We have a variety of tours covering all areas of Italy. Sample tour would be an 8 day tour including Rome, Assisi and Tivoli. Special tours available that coincide with feast days.

The Origins of The Church
of Latter Day Saints
A 10 day journey throughout England. Visit places associated with William Tyndale and Herbert C Kimball, see where the 1st baptisms took place and see Gadfield Elm, the 1st LDS Chapel in the world.

Judaism in England
10 day tour exploring the communities of London and Manchester with a must see visit to Bevis Marks

Jewish Heritage in France
14 day tour starting and ending in Paris, including Caen and Provence.

Jewish Heritage in Eastern Europe
14 day tours linking the communities of Warsaw, Budapest and Prague with commemorative visits to specific concentration camps on request.New Paragraph
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